VIN: WBAGK81071DA61264 Production Date: 2000-09-11 Exterior Color: SONDERLACKIERUNG (490) - Mora Metallic (359) Interior Color: SONDERPOLSTERUNG (Z1XX) - Pearl Beige Nappa Leather | Amethyst Nappa Leather Piping Additional Comments: The first registration of the car was in Qatar by the royal family. In 2008 the car was reimported to Germany and was presented on many car-shows. In 2012 i bought the car with about 24.000km. Only 899 L7 we're build. The car is 25cm longer than a normal iL. About 80 of the produced L7 are build with the privacy window. [Actual number: 96, plus at least 1 more with locked individual data.]. The color is mora, the leather is pearl beige with amethyst pipe and the carpet is also amethyst. From the 899 build L7 are only 20 pcs. with more options. The price for the car in 2001 was about 220.000 Euro. [The car also has Alpina Wheels] ~ Individual Data: Sign "BMW individual" 0490 Color Sonderlackierung "mora-metallic", wie Schl. Nr. 359. Z1XX Upholstery Individual Collection: Volleder in Indivdiual Collectionsfarben Innenausstattung Volleder Soft pearlbeige (Nr. 8 251 331) Umfang P1 Lederknoepfe fuer Sitze vorne und hinten Entfall Multifunktionskopfstuetzen vorne, Ablagetische, Schreibboard und Klapptasche aus Schl.Nr. 462 Quilting yarn oysterbeige (8 251 357), code 670 A. Sewing thread oysterbeige (8 251 360), code 0670 A. Keder in Nappa amethyst (Nr. 2 136 740), Anordnung wie Serie Sitzblenden in pearlbeige Carpet incl. lower door inserts in soft velour amethyst (7441) Restliche Innenausstattung wie bei Volleder Montana schwarz, Schl.-Nr. N8SW. 0940 Sonderwunschausstattung Roof lining in pearlbeige as code N6OY 0944 Nachträglicher Umbau durch ZS Glastrennwand mit elektrischen Vorhaengen und Gegensprechanlage Einbau durch Fa. Wendler TV/Video im Fond (PAL) - Alpine